Important Notice

The content in this space is currently being migrated to the cloud. Any content edits must be made by a Knowledge Base admin until migration is complete.
To request content edits, please submit a request to the Strategic Operations Training Team and include the page URL and details on required edits.
A member of the Strategic Operations Training Team will reach out for clarity if needed.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is a unified communication and collaboration platform that combines persistent workplace chat, vide meetings, screen sharing, file storage (including real-time collaboration), and team organization. Only information with a classification rating of low confidentiality may be stored in MS Teams. Microsoft hosts a series of free, live, online instructor-led training designed to get you up and running with Microsoft Teams. To get the most out of Teams Meetings, be sure to check out our General Meeting Guidance.

Please seek approval from Data Governance and Legal to share information with a classification rating of moderate or high on Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft OutlookMicrosoft SharePointMicrosoft Teams


Difficult to know if your email has been read or when you will hear back


Content is updated less frequently


Suitable for instant communication



Can be used for audiences of any size


Sites should be used to broadcast a message, share content for viewing but not editing, or to showcase services


Designed for smaller teams or groups with a focused and defined purpose



Professional setting


Content is more permanent with the organization in mind


Suitable for team members who work together closely and understand the information presented; can be conversational but should remain suitable for a professional work environment

Information Sharing

Not Easily Shared

Forwarding attachments back and forth makes traceability difficult and inhibits versioning control

Easily Shared

With either the entire organization (on the Intranet) or external partners (on External SharePoint sites)

Easily Shared

Information is shareable in various formats and methods and includes collaboration with others who have access to the Team Channel

Knowledge Transfer

Not Recommended

Any knowledge artifacts within a mailbox are only available to the mailbox owner and may be lost after a user's account is deactivated


Particularly for external audiences; Ensures a consistent user experience and effective organizational management of information


Changes in Channel membership have no impact on content availability; Newly added members have access to all historical data/conversations as long as these settings were selected when adding the new member.



Only the sender and recipient have access to the email and its contents but can be accidentally forwarded/sent to the wrong parties


Provides the most control over permissions, sharing and security controls


Only members to the Channel have access to the shared information and data, however, confidential information may be exposed if permissions settings are not properly managed and maintained

Version Control


Documents sent via Outlook must be downloaded before edits can be made; each recipient will have their own file with no ability to collaborate within the document itself


Version history on all documents are maintained by SharePoint by default


Must access the Channel's File tab, then select Open in SharePoint; When viewed in SharePoint, version history is readily available

FunctionDescription and Limitations

Adding New Members to an Established Chat

When a current member of a Chat invites a new member, the invitee has the option to include all historical chat records, but not all shared files. The new member will not be able to see any files shared as part of the chat prior to when they were added as a member. When a file is shared in a Chat it is stored in the OneDrive account of the chat member who shared it and Teams will automatically provide access to all current members of the chat to the shared file(s). However, new chat members will still be able to see the previously shared files and can request access to them.

Mobile vs. Desktop features and functions

The web and and smartphone cloud apps are slimmed down versions of the desktop app. You may notice some missing functionality, such as the inability to edit wiki pages in the IOS and Android Apps, or the inability to share your screen during a chat in the web browser.

Email sent to a Team Channel

The ability to Email a Channel has been permanently disabled. The team is associated with a Microsoft Group which does have an associated inbox.  Individuals outside the team or external to the ITS tenant can email the group inbox in order to get information to Team member, however the email and content will not be present in the Team.

Sharing your Screen in a Chat

You will need to use the Teams Desktop app to share your screen within a chat or if using the desktop app is not an option you can schedule a meeting with the person and share your screen while in the meeting.

File Storage

Files larger than 10GB cannot be uploaded into Teams. Additionally, because file storage in Teams runs off the same architecture SharePoint is built on, certain characters in the file name may cause problems when uploading files. If a file or folder you are trying to upload to SharePoint contains any of the characters listed below, it may prevent files and folders from syncing. Rename the file or folder to remove these characters.

Quotation MarksAsterisksColonsCarrotsQuestion MarksBack and Forward SlashesVertical BarsLeading/Trailing Spaces
"*:< >?/ \|

Connections to SharePoint

An externally-facing NYSERDA SharePoint site cannot be connected directly to a Team or Channel, though an Intranet SharePoint site can.

Browser Support

  • Chrome: General support for the latest version plus the two previous versions. Meetings are supported on Chrome 59 or later. Support for Calls is coming soon.
  • FireFox: General support for the latest version plus the two previous versions. Calls and Meetings aren't supported. Users who try to join a meeting on Firefox will be directed to download the Teams desktop client.
  • Internet Explorer: Calls and Meetings are not supported. Users who try to join a meeting on Internet Explorer 11 will be directed to download the Teams desktop client.
  • Microsoft Edge: Calls and Meetings supported on Edge RS2 or later.
  • Safari: Not supported. Users who try to open Teams on Safari will be directed to download the Teams desktop client.

Teams: Requesting a New Team

  • NYSERDA Microsoft Teams is recommended as a collaboration tool only, not a file repository for Records.  Draft and final versions of documents should be clearly labeled.

    MS Teams is approved for collaboration to and email addresses and to other State entities in the ITS system. Legal consideration and approval may be needed in the following cases

    1. To invite interagency staff or other NYSERDA program/departments (i.e., other NYS agencies and authorities) to participate on a NYSERDA MS Team.

    2. When Information Assets have a Confidentiality rating of Moderate or High. 

    MS Teams Chats must only contain Low Confidential information

    Note the timing for the creation of the MS Team is dependent on NYS ITS; NYSERDA does not build the MS Team.

  • You must complete the Information Asset Identification Worksheet for all new MS Teams requests.
  • Each team needs at least two Owners to manage (add/remove) team members.
  • Team Owners should conduct periodic reviews of Owners and Members associated with their Team(s) and Channel(s) to ensure that user access is current.

To request a new team, submit an IT request via the NYSERDA Service Desk, selecting Data Governance/Maps/Visuals > Request a New MS Team.

Provide the following information in the request form:

  • Summary
  • Team Name (must begin with NYSERDA.365)
  • Description
  • Service Desk Ticket # for the Information Asset Identification Worksheet
  • Confidentiality Classification Rating from Information Asset Identification Worksheet 
  • Name of two Team Owners (each team must have at least two owners to ensure coverage)
  • If you intend to collaborate within your department or across departments
  • A brief description of expected team interactions
  • Approximate number of team members
  • Legal Contact for your program/department

You can expect the following actions after submitting your MS Teams Request

  • Notification that the Teams request has been submitted to ITS
  • Notification that the Team has been created
  • A link to the Teams Quick Start Documentation on Confluence
  • A link to a survey to share your experiences and candid feedback

If this is your first time using Microsoft Teams, we recommend that you begin exploring the materials below, starting with the Interactive Demo prepared by Microsoft to acclimate new users to the tools and functionality within the application. After understanding the basics of Microsoft Teams, you can begin to explore more complex subjects by clicking the alternate tabs above.

If you would like to register for or watch recordings of virtual, instructor-led training sessions sponsored by Microsoft, please use the link below to access a list of available courses and recordings.

Free Instructor-led Training Courses

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