FlexTech: Application Submission

A NYSERDA Portal Account is required for the Application Submission process, applicants can follow the instructions on FlexTech: Register for a Portal Account to register for a portal account.

The Application Intake process contains six (6) separate pages. Review the information in the blue box at the top of the page. It provides high-level guidance and requirements that may be necessary for you to complete each page.

  • Fields marked with a red asterisk ( * ) are required and must be completed before you can move on to the next page. 
  • Fields with thesymbol contain helpful field guidance and instructions that appear as tooltips when hovering your cursor over the symbol. The information in these tooltips ensures you provide the correct information. Not all fields contain this symbol.
  • Fields with thesymbol is an expandable field.
  • Clicking Continue at the bottom of any page will save your progress (if all required fields have been completed) should you be unable to complete the application in one sitting.
  • No labels