Sharing files through OneDrive

In order for a user to access the shared file, they will need to be part of the NY State ITS System.

1.      Log into your Outlook account via the Web:

2.      On the top navigation bar in the far left hand corner click on the orange grid pattern icon.

3.      Click on the word "OneDrive"

4.      From the top navigation click on "Upload" -> "Files"

5.      Browse to the location of the desired photo, select it,  and click "Open"

6.      Click on the "…" next to the file that you uploaded
7.      Click on "Share"

8.      Option 1:        Enter the email address of the person that you wish to share the file with and define the desired permission level (read-only or editing).  Then click "Share".                                                                                                                                                    

Option 2:        Click on "Get a link" and copy and paste the link into an email to send to the user via Outlook

9.      Back on the main screen you will see that instead of reading "Only you" this file now shows the name of the person you shared the file with.

10.  To manage permissions in the future simply select "Shared with" and see all the users and either "Stop Sharing", "Email Everyone" or manage individual users permissions.