The goal of the Orientation Workshop is to support the development of effective Strategic Decarbonization Plans by defining target criteria and sharing best practices from EBC Cohort 1.
In order to make the best use of the Cohort’s time in the Orientation Workshop, please bring your team with an understanding of key background concepts and begin gathering documentation for your asset and technical baselines before the meeting.
Suggested background reading:
While the Orientation Workshop will not require use or reference of the below materials, beginning to gather and share this information early will ensure key considerations are factored in from the outset. Additionally, the workshop provides an opportunity to address questions that are prompted by the below inputs.
Tools and Resources are available to support a Carbon Neutrality Roadmap and Strategic Decarbonization Plan:
- Strategic Decarbonization Assessment (SDA) Tool: a long-term financial planning tool for building owners to incorporate and manage carbon emissions and energy use in their capital investment strategies.
- Technology Database: a repository of technology solutions that target building thermal loads and enable building decarbonization [restricted access to be provided by NYSERDA separately].