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The NENY Tableau Reports provides an aggregated snapshot of EmPower production and expenditure of NENY funding. The NENY EmPower+ Incentive Reporting Sharepoint provides a secure environment for NYSERDA to share project level production data with participating Utility Partners.

Training Presentation


Training Video

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General NENY SharePoint Reports Information
Access the NENY SharePoint Reports

The EmPower+ SharePoint site contains two NENY reports for each Utility representing Electric and Gas incentive data. These reports are updated once per month. 

  1. They contain customer sensitive information so these reports must be protected at all times, and
  2. They are cumulative. As each report is generated, the new information is appended to the previous report so each report contains all new and historical incentive data.
  3. Utilities are only able to see reports for their specific Utility and will not be able to access any other Utility reports.
Report Details

Once on the Empower+ SharePoint site, access your Utilities document library by clicking the Utility name in the left-hand navigation pane. Once the page refreshes, you will see the two NENY reports, one for Electric incentive data and another for Gas incentive data.

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