Appliance Upgrade Program: Contractor Application

This article covers the contractor application process for the Appliance Upgrade Program. 

The Appliance Upgrade Program provides up to $840 for an ENERGY STAR® certified heat pump clothes dryer as well as up to $2,500 for electrical wiring improvements and up to $4,000 for an electrical service panel upgrade. In early 2025, NYSERDA intends to include ENERGY STAR certified induction cooktops/ranges that will also be eligible for an $840 rebate. Customers at or below 150% state area median income (AMI) are eligible to receive rebates. NYSERDA seeks qualified contractors, particularly licensed electricians and plumbers, to sign up as a Participating Contractor. Below are the steps contractors must take to become a Participating Contractor.

The Contractor Application process contains seven (7) separate steps. Review the information in the blue box at the top of the page. It provides high-level guidance and requirements that you may need to complete each step.

  • Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required and must be completed before you can move on to the next step. 
  • Fields with thesymbol contain helpful field guidance and instructions that appear as tooltips when hovering your cursor over the symbol. The information in these tooltips ensures you provide the correct information. Not all fields contain this symbol.
  • Clicking Continue at the bottom of any page will save your progress (if all required fields have been completed) if you cannot complete the application in one sitting or if you navigate to a previous page to edit.

Getting Started:

After completing and saving the second step of the application, you will receive an email with a link to your application. The application saves as you progress to each page. If you need to exit your application, you may return to it by using the link in the email.

What you'll need:

During the application, you'll be asked to provide the following: Certifications/Licenses (if applicable), Customer References, and a Management Plan.

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