System Instructions

An External Data Sharing Request Form must be completed when Requesting External Sites in order to share data with external stakeholders


Complete the form, being as detailed and thorough as possible.

If you need assistance when completing the form, please reach out to the Data Governance Office.

Then, attach any agreements, such as NDAs, MOUs, or third-party contract if applicable, to the form using the Attach File button found at the top of the form. This information is necessary to inform both Legal and Data Governance of any restrictions on how NYSERDA may share or store data.

Click Save when the form is complete and your NDAsMOUs, or other documents (if applicable) are attached. The Data Governance Office will receive an email notification when the new form has been completed or existing forms are updated.

To update your completed form:

  1. Access the list of completed forms here: External Data Sharing Request Completed Forms.
  2. Filter the Requestor Name column to locate your name.
  3. Click the  icon to put the record in edit mode and update information or attach a file.
  4. Click Save to accept changes.