Service Desk: Share Data with External Parties

These instructions review how to complete the Share Data with External Parties ticket from the Service Desk application.

Access Service Desk from the NYSERDA Launch Page (

**NOTE: The NYSERDA Launch Page can only be accessed from your VM.

Scroll down the page to Request Types and select the Share Data with External Parties option under the IT Support side-tab.

Select the Priority for the request.

Enter a due date when the new site, site component, library, list or Permission Group should be implemented and a summary or title.

Enter a detailed description to adequately outline all of your needed requirements. These requirements can also be outlined in a Word or Excel file and attached to the ticket. Include links to your completed Information Asset Worksheet and External Data Sharing Request Form.

  1. Access the Data Classification Completed Worksheets for the list of completed forms.
  2. Filter the Requestor Name column to locate your name.
  3. Click on the Data Source field to open the Data Classification Worksheet.
  4. Click the Copy Link option at the top of the window and paste the URL into the description field.
  1. Access the External Data Sharing Request Completed Forms for the list of completed forms.
  2. Filter the Requestor Name column to locate your name.
  3. Right-click the  icon and select Copy Link Address
  4. Then paste the URL into the description field.

These requirements can also be outlined in a Word or Excel file and attached to the ticket. Include links to your completed Information Asset Identification Worksheet

Click the Create button to submit your request.