Proposal Categories identify category/categories relevant to your solicitation. The proposal submission process prompts users to select the category they wish to propose to. If proposers have the option to apply to some or all of the solicitation criteria, category designations are critical. They are essential when breaking out scoring in Salesforce. For example, if proposers can apply to Category A, Category B, or Categories A and B, create three categories: "A," "B," and "A & B."

If you do not have distinct categories use 1, A, or the name of your solicitation. Do not use two consecutive spaces in the category name.

You can map categories to Project Types after awarding funding to a proposal or during the Scoring Committee Review process.

You can assign proposals and concept papers to Scoring Committee Reviewers based on the Proposal Category.

Creating Proposal Categories

To create a Proposal Category record, scroll to the corresponding header and click "New Proposal Category."

Enter the following details:

  • Proposal Category: Enter a category name specific to your solicitation

The Proposal Category name cannot have more than one space in the name; the solicitation will not work properly if there are any double-spaces in the name.

  • Correct: "Category A: Demonstration Projects" (one space after the colon)
  • Incorrect: "Category A:  Demonstration Projects" (two spaces after the colon)
  • Project Type (Innovation Projects Only): Click to select the project type.
  • Solicitation: Solicitation name (automatically populates)
  • Recoupment (checkbox)

When you have entered all required details, do one of the following:

  • If you ohave entered all categories, click "Save" to finish.
  • If you have additional categories to add, click "Save & New" to add the next Proposal Category.