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Percipio is resource that provides access to a large array of self-paced training opportunities and is available to NYSERDA employees only. If you are a new employee and have not actived your license yet, or if you would like to take courses through Percipio, please login at: Percipio access is managed by single sign-on. When accessing from within your VM or in-office location, the link will take you directly into Percipio. When accessing while working remotely, you may need your NYSERDA username and password and a SecureAuth passcode.

An introduction to Percipio was provided to NYSERDA employees. See below for access to the recording of one of those introduction sessions and the presentation file for your reference.

Click the file below to view it. Once viewing, you can click the downward arrow in the upper right-hand corner to download the PDF.

This page includes links to user guides available through Percipio.

If you have questions or issues with Percipio, please reach out to

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