Topic Overview


Microsoft Word is the Office 365 word processing application. The Related External Content listed below are links to Microsoft Word's online support and will open in a new tab when accessed.

DOCXXML Word document
DOCMXML Word macro-enabled document
DOTXXML Word template
DOTMXML Word macro-enabled template
DOCLegacy Word document
DOTLegacy Word templates

Information may be intercepted in motion when sending an email to an external stakeholder. Therefore, attachments must be converted to an Adobe, MS Word, or Excel (.xlsx) password protected file for information classified as having Moderate or High confidentiality before sending an encrypted email to an external stakeholder or emailing a State entity within the ITS domain.

  • For encrypted email, the content of the email is the only information that is encrypted. The password protected file ensures the information stays secure. Reference instructions on sending an encrypted email. The receiver of the email must have a Microsoft Account or be given a one-time password to access the information.
  • The password should be provided over the phone or in a separate email. With so many email accounts compromised at other entities, it is recommended to transmit the password over the phone if possible.
  • The password must be changed every 90 days and contain 8 characters of upper/lower case, number, and special characters.