
The Empower+ Application is intended to streamline the application process while broadening the scope of services approved Applicants are eligible for. The application can be accessed by navigating to Applicants can access and complete the application online (an Application Portal Account is required) or print, sign and mail in a paper application.

Applicants can receive assistance from Participating Contractors and/or Community Organizations when completing an application.

Faster, Safer, and More Accurate:

  • Its the fastest path for reviewing and approving an EmPower+ applicant.
  • Reduces or prevents incomplete, incorrect or missing information in the application.
  • Sensitive documents (proof of income, utility bills) in any format (pdf, photo) are uploaded securely.
  • Applicants can provide an e-signature rather than a physical one.
  • Approved applications automatically and seamlessly upload into NYHEP to auto-create projects.

More Control:

  • Applicants can choose their own Contractor if they own the property referenced in the application.
  • Applicants can start, stop and return to the application at anytime which is helpful if:

The application cannot be completed in one setting,

Additional time is needed to gather required and/or supporting documents or information

More Reliable Communications:

  • NYSERDA staff can leverage the online application to quickly reach out to applicants directly for missing documentation or information.
  • The system the application is built around provides timely, automated reminders and notifications to applicants when communication is necessary.

Reminders are sent at day 10, 20, and 30 once an application has been initiated.

Manual cancellation of the application occurs at day 30.

The materials below provide additional resource and materials to help Shared Services who are assisting Applicants when completing and submitting an EmPower+ Application. Additionally, applicants can be provided the following link which will allow them to access related material specific to their needs:

Process Overview

Resource Materials

Presentation Materials

NYSERDA conducted a training to introduce the new Empower+ Application in July, 2021. The below presentation was used during that training session and can be accessed below for review purposes.

Training Videos

NYSERDA conducted a training to introduce the new Empower+ in July, 2021. The below recording can be accessed to review that training session.

Creating Campaign Codes

Campaign Codes

With the EmPower+ Application, Shared Services, Contractors, Participating Utilities, and Community Organizers can create Campaign Codes from their Salesforce Application Portal. Once a campaign code is created, a web link will be generated that can be posted to a website or shared with an applicant through email.

  • Campaign codes generated by Contractors or Community Organizers will prepopulate the associated fields on the Partner Information page of the online EmPower+ Application when the customer initiates an application through the associated web link.
  • All applications initiated by the customer through a campaign code generated web link, will be associated with that campaign code and trackable via a linked report.
  • All entities with access to generate a campaign code can set up multiple campaign codes to track different marketing outreach efforts through Salesforce.

To create a Campaign Code, log into Salesforce.

Access the Generate Campaign tab.

On the Generate Campaign tab, a list of all campaigns created by the logged in user are displayed. To create a new Campaign, click Generate Campaign.

A modal window will open. Click OK to confirm the request to generate a new Campaign Code (and URL).

Back on the Generate Campaign tab, the newly generated Campaign Code will appear on the top of the list. Be sure to check that the Campaign Code status is set to Active. The Campaign URL can be copied and pasted for use in websites or shared through email.

Campaign Codes that will no longer be utilized should be switch to Inactive status. 

Click the Edit link to the far right of the Campaign Code.

On the modal window that opens, click the Status drop-down and change the selection from Active to Inactive. Then click Save Changes.

The number of applications that have been received for each campaign code can be viewed on the Generate Campaign Code tab.

To view the applications associated with the campaign code, click on the View hyperlink in the Action column.

The page will then redirect to the campaign code Record.

Creating an Application Portal Account

Salesforce Application Portal

Applicants are required to create a Salesforce Application Portal account to use the Online Application. A Salesforce Application Portal account provides multiple methods of communication through the use of Notes and Attachments that allows Applicants to:

  • Communicate with the NYSERDA program (even after application submission).
  • Update information or documents in their application.

The instructional materials below are intended to provide guidance for:

  • Applicants when creating a Salesforce Application Portal, or
  • Shared Services, Community Organizations, NYSERDA Energy Advisors, Participating Contractors, and Participating Utilities when assisting Applicants through the online application process.

On the Portal Registration page, review the introductory text to familiarize yourself with the registration requirements.

On the same page, complete all three fields in the Contact Information section. This includes First NameLast Name, and Email Address. All fields are required.

Click Create.

The page will reload with instructions that outline next steps. Salesforce generates an email to the email address provided in Step 3 above to continue the Salesforce Portal account creation process.

Access the email account entered into Step 3 above and locate the email sent by Salesforce. This email contains a link to continue with your Salesforce Portal account creation as well as your Username (the email address entered in Step 3 above with .nyserda appended to the end).

Click the link within the email.

On the page you are directed to, create, and confirm, a password for your Salesforce Portal account, being sure to consider the password rules listed on the page. Then, click Change Password.

Once you click Change Password, you will be directed to your new Salesforce Portal account.

Submitting an Online Application

EmPower+ Application

The EmPower+ Application allows applicants to access and submit either online or paper applications to the program. Applicants can receive assistance from Community Organizations and/or Participant Contractors when submitting an application. Applicants who would like to submit an Online Application must create an Application Portal account first. The instructions below guide you on how to access, complete and submit a EmPower+ Application. To access instructions specific to each step below, click the learn more... link to expand the section and review the related materials.

The instructional materials below are intended to guide:

  • Applicants when submitting an online application, or
  • Shared Services, Community Organizations, NYSERDA Energy Advisors, Participating Contractors, and Participating Utilities when assisting applicants through the online application process.

General Information

The application is comprised of seven (7) distinct steps, or pages, that you will navigate as you complete the application. Each page contains required fields and information denoted by a red asterisk.

Each step, or page, throughout the application contains instructional text at the top of the page. It is highly recommended that you review these instructional texts as they provide clarity regarding the information requested.

Every step, or page, throughout the application contains a Save button at the bottom of the page. Click Save before exiting the application if you do not have time to complete it in one sitting. 

To access a Saved and incomplete application:

  1. Log back into the Salesforce Portal
  2. Select the Enrollment tab

  3. Locate the correct application and click the link in the Enrollment Name column

  4. Finally, click the Application Wizard button to return to your incomplete application.

STEP 1: Applicant Information
Complete the Application Information section:

Your First Name and Last Name will pre-populate.

Select your Preferred Applicant Language from the drop-down.

Provide your Primary Phone Number.

All other fields are optional and can be completed as needed.

Complete the Site Information section:

Using the Address field, begin typing in your street address. Salesforce will suggest verified addresses below this field as you type. Selecting an option from this list will populate all other address fields on the page.

Applicants should be aware that, depending on the internet browser used to complete the Online Application, the address fields may pre-populate based on your Browser's auto-form filling functionality, such as with Google Chrome. Applicants should review the address fields if they pre-populate and update with the correct address if necessary.


If your Mailing address is different from your Address, update the Mailing Address fields as needed.

Select the appropriate response for the Does the applicant own this site drop down. This field identifies if the applicant is the owner of the dwelling associated with the address entered into the application.

Select the option from the Dwelling Type drop-down that most closely identifies what type of dwelling exists on the site.

The Number of Units field becomes required if you select Multi-Family (5+ units) as the Dwelling Type.

Save & Continue:

To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page. It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue.

STEP 2: Utility Information
Complete the Utility Information section:

Select the Electric Utility Provider and the Primary Heating Fuel Type for the site.

Selecting either Natural Gas or Other from the Primary Heating Fuel Type drop-down will enable an additional required field for this section that must be completed.

Include Electric Utility and Primary Fuel Account Numbers. These fields are optional. However, providing NYSERDA with this information will enable us to provide the most accurate and effective recommendations for work that will be performed at the site.

If the site has a Secondary Heating Fuel Type, select it from the drop-down. This field is optional.

Respond to the Additional Question, if applicable or appropriate, with any additional information that will help NYSERDA reduce your energy consumption or reduce risks to occupant health or special needs.

Save & Continue:

To advance to the next step, click  Continue at the bottom of the page. It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue.

STEP 3: Partner Information
Complete the Partner Information section:

Select a contractor from the Contractor Selection drop-down.

  • When selecting a contractor, you can either,
    • Select one that you have been working with,
    • Select the Select Next Available option to have the next available contractor assigned to your project, or
    • Select your preference for a contractor partner from the list.
  • Only those contractors that serve your designated area will appear on the list.
    • If you do not see a contractor, it is likely because they do not serve your area.
  • If a selected contractor cannot perform the work due to scheduling restrictions, they may not accept the project.
    • If so, an alternate will be selected by Shared Services.
  • Shared Services selects contractors when they receive Paper Applications or if the Applicant did not select one when applying online.
  • When applicants apply using a Campaign Code, the contractor will be selected automatically.
    • Applicants can change the pre-selected contractor at need.

While not required, you can help NYSERDA understand if an independent organization has been assisting you with the application process. If that organization appears on the Are any of these organizations assisting you with the application process? drop-down, select it from the list.

Save & Continue:

To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page. It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue.

STEP 4: Eligibility Screening
Household Information & Demographics

Add Household Members. The Number of Household Members field will automatically generate.

Complete Household Demographics details field, selecting all options that apply for all members of the household.

Complete the Referral Code Screening:

If you received a letter from NYSERDA with a Referral Code, select Yes in response to the question, enter the Referral Code in the provided field, then skip to Complete the Household Demographics Section below. No additional eligibility questions are required.

  • The Referral Code field is only accessible if Yes is selected. If you have a Referral Code, enter it in the field that appears.
  • Referral Codes are provided to applicants through mailed letters or emails either from the Applicant's Utility, from NYSERDA directly, or from the Office of Temporary Disability Assistance (OTDA).
  • Applicants who have a referral code and enter it in the application will not need to provide additional income verification as part of the application process.
  • Contractors and/or Community Organizations assisting Applicants with the application process should inquire if the Applicant, or their household, received a Referral Code through email or mail.

However, if you did not receive a letter with a Referral Code, select No. An additional section will appear on the application titled Categorical Screening. Review instructions for that section below.

Complete the Categorical Screening:

This section of the application will only appear if the applicant answers No to the question in the Referral Code Screening section.

If you or any household member received an award letter for HEAP, SNAP (food benefits), SSI, TANF, or Public Assistance in the past 12 months, select Yes. Categorical eligibility is based on the date within the award letter. Award letters are good for one year from the date provided.

  • Multiple options can be selected.
  • An award letter, for each option selected, must be submitted as part of this application.

    Categorical Eligibility TypeAcceptable DocumentationAcceptable Date Range
    • Award Letter
    • OTDA provided HEAP list
    Awarded within last 12 months
    • Award Letter
    Awarded within last 12 months
    • Award Letter
    Awarded within last 12 months
    Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
    • Award Letter
    • Benefit Statement
    Awarded within last 12 months
  • For applicants completing the application online, the award letter can be uploaded during Step 6: Project Documents.
  • For Paper Applications, a copy of the award letter can be submitted when mailing the application.

Once completed, advance to the Household Demographics section.

If you, or any household members did not receive any assistance listed above, select No. An additional section will appear on the application titled Income Documentation Screening. Review instructions for that section below.

Complete the Income Documentation Screening:
  • This section of the application will only appear if the applicant:
    • Answered No to the Referral Code Screening, or did not receive a Referral Code from their Utility, NYSERDA, or the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA), and/or
    • Is not eligible for Categorial eligibility (i.e., did not receive an award letter for HEAP, SNAP, SSI, TANF, or Public Assistance in the past 12 months).

  • Applicants must document income for all members of the household if all previous eligibility requirements could not be met.

    Income TypeAcceptable DocumentAcceptable Date Range

    Social Security 

    • Award Letter
    • Benefit Statement 

    Within 12 months 

    Social Security Disability (SSD) 

    • Award Letter
    • Benefit Statement 

    Within 12 months 


    • Pension check stub showing gross amount
    • Letter from Pension Board 

    Within 12 months 

    Disability (Short Term or Long Term) 

    • Benefit Statement 

    Within 60 days 

    Child Support / Alimony 

    • Court Award Letter
    • Printout from Domestic Relations 

    Within 12 months (within 60 days if using printout from DR website) 

    Foster Care Payment 

    • Statement from Social Services 

    Within 60 days 

    Workers Compensation 

    • Award Letter
    • Benefit Statement  

    Within 60 days 


    • Letter of Determination 

    Within 60 days 

    Veterans Benefits 

    • Award Letter
    • Benefit Statement 

    Within 12 months 


    • Bank Statement 

    Within 60 days 


    • Pay Stubs 

    Four weeks of paystubs from the last 60 days 

    Interest Income 

    • Bank Statement 

    Within 60 days 

    Rental Income 

    • Current Lease
    • Rent Receipt 

    Within 12 months 

    Business or Farm Income 

    • Tax Return
    • IRS Report of Quarterly Earnings
    • Business records.

    Tax Return: Previous Year
    IRS Report: Previous 3 months Business Records: Previous 3 months

    Tax Documentation

    Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EX

    Most recent Federal Income Tax Return.

    • This is only acceptable if all members of the household who were required to file a tax return did so.
    • Additionally, all sources of income must be documented within the Tax Return for each household member.
    • If documenting Rental, Business, or Farm income, Applicants must submit corresponding schedules (C, E, and F)
  • This section of the application will initially contain a space for the Applicant to add income sources

To add spaces for other members of the household for income documentation purposes, click the Add Household Member option. This will open a modal window for you to document the household member's:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Age
  • If they are a Full-time Student
  • Gross Income Amount
  • Income Source
  • Income Source Frequency
  • Verification Method

To add an income source for a household member, click the Add Another Income Source option below the household member to document the household member's:

  • Age
  • If they are a Full-time Student
  • Gross Income Amount
  • Income Source
  • Income Source Frequency
  • Verification Method

To edit or delete an income source added to a household member, click the Pencil Icon (edit) or Trash Can Icon (delete) to the far right of the listed income source. 

Continue adding household members and income sources as needed.

Save & Continue:

To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page. It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue.

STEP 5: Review Page
Review the Application:

Review each section of the Review Page for your application. If information on the application is incorrect, use the Previous button at the bottom of the page to return to previous steps (pages) and update the information as needed.

Section D: Energy Information:

For Section D: Energy Information, read through the disclaimer and check the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above box.

Section H: Applicant Information:

After reviewing the complete application, scroll to Section H: Application Information,

Read through the disclaimer, then click the Electronic Signature button.

Applicants are not required to provide Electronic Signatures. However applicants must satisfy one of alternate options below when not providing an Electronic Signature:

  • Applicants who would prefer to print and mail a hand-signed application can bypass the Electronic Signature and click Print at the bottom of the page instead. Applicants must also provide, along with the signed application, any supporting documents required to provide proof of choices made during Step 4: Eligibility Screening.

    Energy Audit Application

    8 Southwoods Blvd. Suite 201

    Albany, NY 12211

  • Applicants who would prefer to hand sign the application, but still submit electronically, can click Print at the bottom of the page, hand sign the application, and scan the signed application onto their computer for upload during Step 6: Project Documents.

You will be directed to electronically sign the application through DocuSign. When the page loads, check the agreement box and click Continue at the top of the page.


Scroll to the bottom of the application and click the Sign option next to the Applicant Signature field.

In the modal window that appears, click Adopt and Sign to electronically sign the application. Your NameInitials will pre-populate and a, and signature example will already be completed for you.


Your signature example will now appear on the signature line for the application. Click Finish to return to the application.

Print & Continue:

If you'd like a copy of the application, click Print.

  • Applicants who prefer to hand sign the application can bypass the Electronic Signature, clicking the Print button to print the application. Hand sign the application then either mail it in along with all required supporting documentation or scan the signed application onto your computer and upload it to the Online Application in the Step 6: Project Documents.

To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page.

STEP 6: Project Documents
Review the Required Documents section:

The Required Documents section will outline any documents that are required as part of you application.

If your application requires multiple documents, each will be listed as a separate line item. Click the Choose File button to the right of each requested required document to locate and upload the file from your computer.

If you Electronically Signed the application in a previous step, there is no need to upload a signed application. However, if you chose to sign the application manually, after printing it, you will be required to upload a signed copy of the application to this section.

Complete the Other Documents section:

If there are any additional supporting documents you'd like to include as part of the application, click the Add Another Document option to locate and upload a document or file from your computer.

Continue adding additional documents or files as needed.

Save & Continue:

To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page. It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue.

STEP 7: Submission Page
Submit the Application:

On the last page of the application, click the Submit button.

When you have successfully submitted your application, the page will reload and display Application Status: Your application has been submitted successfully.


Next Steps
Application Review and Approval

Shared Services will review your submitted application. If they require additional information or documentation, you will receive an email communication identifying the needed information.

  • Applicants should respond to this communication within ten (10) days to provide the request information.
  • Applicants who do not respond after ten (10) days to the initial notice will receive two (2) additional notices (the second at Day 20 and the third at Day 30) to remind them of the required information they must provide.
  • Once an applicant responds to any of the 3 (three) communications, the application will continue through the approval process.
  • Applicants who fail to respond to any of the three (3) notices will have their application cancelled systematically.

If you application is approved, you will receive an email notice guiding you on next steps.

If you application is rejected, you will receive an email notice outlining the reason for denial.

Reviewing Submitted Applications

Reviewing EmPower+ Applications

Submitted EmPower+ Application are reviewed by Shared Services within Salesforce. Applications, once approved, are systematically pushed into NYHEP for future project management. Note that paper applications received from Applicants must first be submitted through the Online Application process before they can be reviewed by Shared Services. Access each step below by clicking on the learn more... link to expand the section and review the related instructions.

The instructional materials below are intended to provide guidance for Shared Services when reviewing submitted applications in Salesforce.

Step 1: Access Submitted EmPower+ Applications

Log into Salesforce.

Access the Projects tab.

On the Projects page, select EmPower+ - Submitted from the drop-down menu to view all applications in Submitted status. Then, click on the link in the Project Name column to open a specific Application Record.

Click on the link in the Project Name column to open a specific Application Record.

Submitted applications that have no Primary Contractor Account listed in the Contact Information section of the Application Record indicate that the applicant selected Select Next Available for the Contractor Selection drop-down on step (page) 3 of the application and will need to be assigned by CLEAResult Shared Services as part of the application review in both Salesforce and NYHEP.

Step 2: Update the Application Status

Once in the Application Record, update the application Status from Submitted to Under Review in the Project Detail section. This change lets others in CLEAResult Shared Service know this application is currently being reviewed.

Double click on the  Submitted status field.

A modal window will appear. Select Under Review from the drop-down, currently set as Submitted.

Click Go to save the change.

Once Under Review is selected, Status Reasons associated with the selected status will populate. These Status Reasons should not be selected at this time. However, if in the review process, issues with application are uncovered, CLEAResult Shared Services should re-access the application record and choose a corresponding status reason to identify the application issue(s) for remediation. This will indicate what missing information is required for an approval.

The application record page will reload, displaying Under Review in orange text in the Status field. Be sure to click Save before leaving the application record or navigating away from this page, otherwise the change in Status will not apply.

Once the change is made to the application Status, the application will no longer appear in the EmPower+ - Submitted project queue and will now be located in the EmPower+ - Under Review project queue.

Step 3: Assign Contractor (If Applicable)

If the applicant selected Select Next Available for the Contractor Selection drop-down on step (page) 3 of the application, the Contact Information section of the application record will be blank. CLEAResult Shared Services must assign a Contractor to the application.

Scroll down to the Custom Links section of the application record and click the Partner Information link. This will open step (page) 3 of the submitted application in a new browser tab.

On step (page) 3 of the submitted application, use the Contractor Selection drop-down to select the next available contractor. Click Save when complete.

Close the tab after clicking Save. Back on the application record in Salesforce, refresh the browser window to re-load the application record page. The Contractor Information section should now be populated with the selected Contractor.

Step 4: Review the Application

Shared Services should then review the application to determine if any additional information is needed from the applicant. Keep in mind if this step is not completed at the same time as the steps listed above, Shared Services will need to access the EmPower+ - Under Review project queue if the status of the application has already been changed.

Review the Application Record to validate that all required information is documented such as, but not limited to:

  • If the Applicant rents or owns the site
  • Utility information
  • Site information
  • Household information
  • Household income

Then, scroll down to the Document Approval / Rejection section of the application record.

Using the links associated with each document, click to access. Review the Signed Application first to determine, based on the applicant's responses, if any additional documentation is needed. Then, review any other attached documents to determine if additional information is needed from the applicant, such as:

  • Categorical Screening Documents
  • Income Documentation
  • Landlord Agreements (if the Applicant rents)

If no additional information is needed, move on to the next step.

If more information is required of the applicant, follow the instructions in Step 2: Update the Application Status on this page to update the Status field that identifies the issue with the current application.

After double-clicking the Status field, use the Status Reason field to locate and select the reason the application will remain Under Review. Be sure to click the right-facing arrow to the right of the Status Reason field once you've selected the Status Reason to move it over into the Chosen field otherwise it will not apply. Click OK when complete.

Shared Services must then send an email to the applicant requesting the additional information. Scroll down to the Activity History and click the Send An Email button.

Once the Send An Email page loads, click the lookup icon to the right of the To field.

A modal window will appear. Select the Customer (applicant) from the list.

Then, click the Select Template button.

A modal window appears with a list of emails templates. Scroll through to locate the template that will request the needed information from the applicant.

Once a template is selected, the Send An Email screen will update to populate the Subject and Body of the email from the template chosen. Once the template has been applied, changes can be made to the subject and body of the email. Scroll down to the bottom of the page when ready and click Send.

Back on the application record in Salesforce, the Activity History section now includes the new email sent to the applicant.\ and the Waiting for External Response checkbox will be checked.

If the Applicant uploads the requested documentation to their application after receiving the email notification, the Waiting for External Response checkbox will systematically uncheck. CLEAResult Shared Services will use this indicator to sort the EmPower + - Under Review project queue to locate projects with newly uploaded documentation for review.

If the Applicant does not respond to the initial email notification, additional systematic notifications will be sent. After the third notification, if the Applicant continues not to respond with the required documentation, the application will systematically move to the EmPower + - Cancelled project queue.

Step 5: Application Approval

The final step is to approve the application in Salesforce. Applications, once approved, are systematically pushed into NYHEP for further Enrollment Management.

Return to the Project Details section of the application and double-click the Status field. When the modal window opens, switch the drop-down, with Under Review currently selected, and change it to Approved. Click OK.

This ends the work Shared Services performs with respect to submitted EmPower + Application.

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