
The Combined Residential Application is intended to streamline the application process while broadening the scope of services approved Applicants are eligible for. The application can be accessed by navigating to Applicants can access and complete the application online (an Application Portal Account is required) or print, sign and mail in a paper application.

Applicants can receive assistance from Participating Contractors and/or Community Organizations when completing an application.

Faster, Safer, and More Accurate:

  • Its the fastest path for reviewing and approving an EmPower+ applicant.
  • Reduces or prevents incomplete, incorrect or missing information in the application.
  • Sensitive documents (proof of income, utility bills) in any format (pdf, photo) are uploaded securely.
  • Applicants can provide an e-signature rather than a physical one.
  • Approved applications automatically and seamlessly upload into Uplight to auto-create projects.

More Control:

  • Applicants can choose their own Contractor if they own the property referenced in the application.
  • Applicants can start, stop and return to the application at anytime which is helpful if1:

The application cannot be completed in one setting,

Additional time is needed to gather required and/or supporting documents or information

More Reliable Communications:

  • NYSERDA staff can leverage the online application to quickly reach out to applicants directly for missing documentation or information.
  • The system the application is built around provides timely, automated reminders and notifications to applicants when communication is necessary.

Reminders are sent at day 10, 20, and 30 once an application has been initiated.

Manual cancellation of the application occurs at day 30.

The materials below provide additional resource and materials to help CEAs who are assisting Applicants when completing and submitting a Combined Residential EmPower+ Application. When assisting Applicants, refer to the Submitting a Combined Residential Application tab to help walk them through the process. Additionally, applicants can be provided the following link which will allow them to access related material specific to their needs:

NYSERDA conducted a training to introduce the new Combined Residential Application in July, 2021. The below presentation was used during that training session and can be accessed below for review purposes.

NYSERDA conducted a training to introduce the new Combined Residential Application in July, 2021. The below recording can be accessed to review that training session.

The Salesforce Portal allows Participating Contractors to manage and monitor Combined Residential projects assigned to them. Additionally, the Salesforce Portal allows Participating Contractors to communicate with NYSERDA Program and Program Implementation staff throughout the project lifecycle through use of the Salesforce Portal Chatter Feed.

The instructional materials below are intended to provide guidance for Participating Contractors when adding or removing users from the Salesforce Portal. The instructions on this page can only be completed by existing contractors who have been assigned the Manage Users Tab permission. This permission set must be set either by a NYSERDA employee or an existing contractor in your organization that has previously been granted this access. If you have access to this permission set you will have access to the Manage Users tab after logging into the Salesforce Portal.

Adding New Portal Users

Log into the Salesforce Application Portal.

Click on the Manage Users tab.

This tab will only appear for Portal users who have previously been granted Admin access.

Click the Add A New User option. A modal window will open.

Enter the new users First Name, Last Name and Email Address. If this new user should also have access to the Salesforce Portal as an Admin user, check the Admin box.

If your organization currently has other members listed as Contacts in the Salesforce Application Portal that are not set up as Portal users, the Please select an existing contact to create new user section of the modal window will contain a drop-down with a list of all Portal contacts. If the user you want to add appears on this drop-down list, you can select their name. This will auto-populate all fields on the modal window except the Admin box.

When you have completed the form, click Save Changes to add the new user for Portal access.

Removing Portal Users

Log into the Salesforce Application Portal.

Click on the Manage Users tab.

This tab will only appear for Portal users who have previously been granted Admin access.

Click the Edit link in the Action column. A modal window will open.

On the modal window uncheck the Active box to remove the user from Portal access.

Case Creation

Case Escalation Process

Monitoring & Checking on Case Status

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