The online application can be accessed by clicking the link below and logging into your Salesforce Portal account, then selecting the Combined Residential Application option.
The application is comprised of seven (7) distinct steps, or pages, that you will navigate through as you complete the application. Each page contains fields and information that must be provided as part of the application which are denoted by a red asterisk.
Each step, or page, throughout the application contains instructional text at the top of the page. It is highly recommended that you review these instructional texts as they provide clarity regarding the information requested.
Every step, or page, throughout the application contains a Save button at the bottom of the page. Click Save before exiting the application if you do not have time to complete it in one sitting.
To re-access a Saved and incomplete application:
Log back into the Salesforce Portal
Select the Projects tab
Locate the correct Application and click on the link in the Project Name column
Finally, click on the Application Wizard button to return to your incomplete application.
STEP 1: Applicant Information
Complete the Application Information section:
Your First Name and Last Name will pre-populate.
Select your Preferred Applicant Language from the drop-down.
Provide your Primary Phone Number.
All other fields are optional and can be completed at need.
Complete the Utility Site Information section:
Using the Utility Address field, begin typing in your street address. Salesforce will suggest verified addresses below this field as you type. Selecting an option from this lit will populate all other Utility and Mailing address fields.
If your Mailing address is different from your Utility address, update the Mailing Address fields as needed.
Select the appropriate response for the Does the applicant own this site drop down. This field identifies if the Applicant is the owner of the dwelling associated with the Utility Address entered into the application.
Select the option from the Dwelling Type drop-down that most closely identifies what type of dwelling exists on the site.
The Number of Units field becomes required if Multi-Family (5+ units) is selected as the Dwelling Type.
Save & Continue:
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page.
It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue.
STEP 2: Utility Information
Complete the Utility Information section:
Select the Electric Utility Provider & the Primary Heating Fuel Type for the site.
When selecting either Natural Gas or Other from the Primary Heating Fuel Type drop-down will enable an additional required field for this section that must be completed.
Include Electric Utility and Primary Fuel Account Numbers. These fields are optional. However, providing NYSERDA with this information will enable us to provide the most accurate and effective recommendations for the site.
If the site has a Secondary Heating Fuel Type, select it from the drop-down. This field is optional.
Complete the Additional Question section:
Respond to the question, if applicable or appropriate, with any additional information that will help NYSERDA reduce your energy consumption or reduce risks to occupant health or special needs.
Save & Continue:
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page.
It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue.
STEP 3: Partner Information
Complete the Partner Information section:
Select a Contractor from the Contractor Selection drop-down. When making a selection:
If you have already been working with a Contractor, select them from the list,
Select the Select Next Available option to have the next available Contractor assigned to your project, or
Select your preference for a Contractor Partner from the list.
While not required, you can help NYSEDA understand if an independent organization has been assisting you with the application process. If that organization appears on the other drop-down, select it from the list.
Save & Continue:
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page.
It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue.
STEP 4: Eligibility Screening
Review the Geo Eligibility section:
Complete the Referral Section:
If you received a letter from NYSERDA with a Referral Code, select Yes in response to the question in this section jump to Complete theHousehold DemographicsSection below. No additional eligibility questions are required.
However, if you did not receive a letter with a Referral Code, select No. An additional section will appear on the application titled Categorical Eligibility. Review instructions for that section below.
Complete the Categorical Eligibility Section:
This section of the application will only appear if the applicant answers No to the question in the Referral section.
If you, or any household members received HEAP, Food Stamps, SSI, TANF, or Public Assistance in the past 12 months, select Yes. Another field will appear. From this list, select all types of assistance received within the past 12 months. Multiple options can be selected from this list.
Once completed, advance to the Household Demographics section.
If you, or any household members did not receive any assistance as listed above, select No. An additional section will appear on the application titled Income Eligibility. Review instructions for that section below.
Complete the Income Eligibility Section:
This section of the application will only appear if the applicant answers No to the question in the Categorical Eligibility section.
Applicants who answered No to questions in both the Referral and Categorical Eligibility sections must document income for all members of the household.
This section of the application will initially contain a space for the applicant to add income sources
To add spaces for other members of the household for income documentation purposes, click the Add Household Member option. This will open a modal window for you to document the household member's:
First Name
Last Name
If they are a Full-time Student
Gross Income Amount
Income Source
Income Source Frequency
Verification Method
To add an income source for a household member, click the Add Another Income Source option below the household member to document the household member's:
If they are a Full-time Student
Gross Income Amount
Income Source
Income Source Frequency
Verification Method
To edit or delete an income source added to a household member, click the Pencil Icon (edit) or Trashcan Icon (delete) to the far right of the listed income source.
Continue adding household members and income sources as needed.
Complete the Household Demographics Section:
Complete the Household Demographics Details field, selecting all options that apply for all members of the household.
Document how many members of the household are:
60 years of age or older
Children (age 17 years or younger)
Persons with Disabilities
Veterans or Disabled Veterans
Save & Continue:
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page.
It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue.
STEP 5: Review Page
Review the Application:
Review each section of the Review Page for your application. If information on the application is incorrect, use the Previous button at the bottom of the page to return to previous steps (pages) and update the information as needed.
Section D: Energy Information:
For Section D: Energy Information, read through the disclaimer and check the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above box.
Section H: Applicant Information:
After reviewing the complete application, scroll to Section H: Application Information,
Read through the disclaimer, then click the Electronic Signature button.
You will be directed to electronically sign the application through DocuSign. When the page loads, check the agreement box and click Continue at the top of the page.
Then, scroll to the bottom of the application and click the Sign option next to the Applicant Signature field.
In the modal window that appears, click Adopt and Sign to electronically sign the application. Your Name, Initials will pre-populate and a, and signature example will already be completed for you.
You signature example will now appear on the signature line for the application. Click Finish to return to the application.
Print & Continue:
If you'd like a copy of the application, click Print.
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page.
STEP 6: Project Documents
Review the Required Documents section:
Complete the Other Documents section:
Save & Continue:
To advance to the next step, click Continue at the bottom of the page.
It is recommended that you click Save before clicking Continue.