The PON 4772: Climate Justice Fellowship Program provides funding for year-long, full-time fellowships for individuals that are from a priority population. NYSERDA will provide funding for salaries and professional development so that fellows may have the opportunity to work within businesses and organizations that advance climate justice and clean energy priorities for disadvantaged communities.
Participating employers must submit a Fellowship Application for each individual they would like to hire as a fellow through the program. Funding will only be awarded for fellowships approved by NYSERDA.
Pre-requisites: Before proceeding with the below steps to submit a Fellowship Application, an employer must first have their Business Application to participate in the Climate Justice Fellowship Program approved. Approval to be a participating employer is not approval for funding for individual fellowships. If you are not yet enrolled in the program, apply to be a participating employer here.
Note: Fellowship applications must be submitted to NYSERDA via email before the start of the fellowship to be eligible for funding.
Log into your NYSERDA Portal account.
From the NYSERDA Portal home screen, click View Climate Justice Fellow Candidates. You will be directed to the Climate Justice Fellowship - Fellow Candidate Directory.
This list can be filtered for County using the filter selection at the top of the page. An individual’s Resume and/or Cover Letter can be accessed using the respective links in the last column on the right. To search using other candidate information, such as Employment Areas of Interest, press Ctrl + F on your keyboard to use the find/search function of your browser.
Employers must contact fellowship candidates directly to confirm their interest and availability for a fellowship.
If you expect to see a fellow candidate on the list but cannot find them, it is an indication that the individual has not yet been submitted to the directory. If this is the case, please confirm that the individual has submitted their fellow candidate application.
NYSERDA's review of fellow candidate applications may take 2-3 business days. If the review period for their fellow candidate application has passed and the fellow candidate is still not on the fellow candidate list, contact for more information on their application status.
To submit an application for funding, download the Fellowship Application.
Submit completed applications via email to
Fellowship applications must be submitted and approved before the fellow starts work on their fellowship.