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Clean Energy Communities

This guide provides instruction for elected officials or employees of local governments across New York State when submitting High Impact Action items for the purpose of participation in the Clean Energy Community Program. It also provides guidance for communities when submitting a grant application through the program.

Local governments in New York State can use the Clean Energy Communities program Program to implement clean energy actions, save energy costs, create jobs, and improve the environment. In addition to providing tools, resources, and technical assistance, the program recognizes and rewards leadership for the completion of clean energy projects.

Designated Clean Energy Communities are also able to apply for further grants to implement additional clean energy actions. To be eligible for these grants, Clean Energy Communities can submit Custom, Pre-Approved and Direct-to-Voucher proposals. This guide also reviews how to submit these types of proposals. Complete information on how to become designated as a Clean Energy Community can be found on The Clean Energy Communities Program on the NYSERDA Portal.

For questions about the contents of this guide, please contact the Clean Energy Communities Coordinator at [email protected].

To acceess a printable pdf version of this guide, please click here.


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